How sneakers became so extremely popular within last years?

These individuals, that are interested in fashion, have noticed a long time ago, that the number of sneaker shop had been regularly growing. For such people, it might have been a sign, that sneakers were going to be highly attractive. Nonetheless, probably nobody could have expected that sort of popularity. Within a short period, everything has changed.

Before that, sneakers puma were worn only inside the gym. Nobody, that was caring about the look as well as style, would ever wear it on the street. It was a pretty obvious rule – sport shoes were for sport activities, not for being fashionable.


Autor: Birdies100

Obviously, there were some individuals who were wearing them all the time anyway, but back then, thay were not men and females who were thinking about in fashion. In fact, it was rather an opposite – these kind of guys were often described as unfashionable as well as unkempt. So what happened that within merely a few years, that wearing sport shoes outside the gym, have changes from being tasteless to the point when it is the latest craze, very fashionable one?

The answer is not that simple. Honestly, it is rather a guessing. But still it might be worth to try to answer that question. The most probable turn of events were as following:- Phase One: Sport shoes were worn just for sport activities. – Phase 2: mMen and females interested in fashion, stars as well as others who create the newest trends, decided to wear them on every day basis. Nonetheless, sneakers were still worn mainly with a sporty outfit.- Phase 3: Fashion designers have seen a huge potential in sport shoes. They started to connect sport shoes with other, not necessarily sport outfit, such as dresses.- Phase Four: Guys began to follow. A lot of new sneaker shop were opened. Almost everybody bought at least 1 pair of sneakers.- Phase 5: Sneakers started to be so famous, that even wearing them together with elegant clothes is considered to be trendy.

One thing is sure – sneakers will remain fashionable for a long time. Consequently, if you still didn’t buy a pair, you ‘d better find a nice sneaker shop and pick up the one you like. You would definitely have a chance to wear them in a few next seasons, and be trendy!